Page 58 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 58


                examining the scientific evidence for how living things emerged on
                Earth independently and did not, as evolutionists claim, evolve from
                one another.

                    The True Origin of Fish
                    The True Origin of Fish
                    According to evolutionist claims, invertebrates were the ances-
                tors of the first vertebrate fish. Yet how did these creatures—with only
                a hard shell in some cases, and no bones or spinal column—turn into
                vertebrates? This is a question evolutionists are unable to answer, and
                for which they can find no evidence. That is because the living things
                in question would have to have undergone such enormous changes
                that while their shells were becoming vestigial on the outside, skele-
                tons were forming on the inside. In order for such a huge transforma-
                tion to take place, there would have to be an enormous number of
                intermediate forms between the two groups. The fact is, however, that
                there exists not a single fossil that evolutionists can present as a tran-
                sitional form between invertebrates and vertebrates.
                    The theory of evolution assumes that first chordates
                such as pikaia gradually turned into fish. This claim
                was frequently repeated by evolutionists in the
                1990s. Stephen Jay Gould, one of the most

                                                                   A pikaia fossil

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