Page 54 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 54
reveal not only their outlines but sometimes even internal organs such
as the intestine or muscles.” 20
To make it clear that fossilization is not that difficult a process, re-
call that fossil bacteria have even been found: Micro-fossils of bacteria
have been discovered in sedimentary rock layers more than 3 billion
years old!
In short, the evolutionary ancestors of the life forms that emerged
in the Cambrian Explosion have not been found in the Precambrian
Period, but not because those life forms were soft-bodied.
In conclusion, evolutionists are unable to find any excuse for the
Cambrian Explosion. This sudden appearance of life on Earth proves
that the theory of evolution is wrong.
The Cambrian Explosion Is a Proof of
The Cambrian Explosion Is a Proof of
God’s Creation
God’s Creeation
The more one examines the Cambrian Explosion, the clearer be-
comes that grave dilemma that it represents for the theory of evolution.
Recent discoveries show that almost all phyla, the basic categories of
animal life, emerged suddenly during the Cambrian Period. One arti-
cle, published in Science magazine in 2001, states, “The beginning of the
Cambrian period, some 545 million years ago, saw the sudden appear-
ance in the fossil record of almost all the main types of animals (phyla)
that still dominate the biota today.” 21
The same article also explains that for such complex and very dif-
ferent life forms to be explained in terms of the theory of evolution, fos-
sil beds from earlier periods revealing a very rich and gradual
development need to be found. But such a thing is out of the question:
“This differential evolution and dispersal, too, must have required a
previous history of the group for which there is no fossil record.” 22
The scenario revealed by Cambrian Period fossils refutes the as-