Page 55 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 55
sumptions of the theory of evolution on the one hand, while on the
other, constituting important evidence that living things came into
being by means of conscious Creation. The evolutionist biologist
Douglas Futuyama expounds on this fact:
Organisms either appeared on the earth fully developed or they did not. If they
did not they must have developed from preexisting species by some process of
modification. If they did appear in fully formed state, they must have been cre-
ated by some omnipotent intelligence. 23
As you have seen, the fossil record shows that living things did
not follow a progression from the primitive to the more developed, as
the theory of evolution would have us believe. Rather, living things
emerged suddenly and in the most perfect state. This, in turn, consti-
tutes proof that life came into being not by random natural processes,
but by conscious Creation. Jeffrey S. Levinton, a professor of ecology
and evolution from New York State University, accepts as much in an
article he wrote for Scientific American maga-
zine titled “The Big Bang of Animal
Evolution.” As he says,
“Therefore, something spe-
cial and very mysterious—
some highly creative
‘force’—existed then.” 24
A trilobite: one of the complex liv-
ing things found in Cambrian