Page 79 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 79


                 A fossil of a creature be-
                 longing to the class
                 Therapsida. Evolutionists
                 depict these as the ances-
                 tors of mammals. Yet that
                 claim is not scientific.

               short like a reptile’s, and similar half-formed, incomplete features. Yet
               not a single fossil of that type has ever been found. If creatures meeting
               that description had ever existed,  their fossil remains would have sur-
                   In addition, evolutionists suggest that the numerous kinds of
               mammals, from horses to human beings and from squirrels to ele-
               phants, all evolved from reptiles. They also claim that the emergence of
               mammals lasted some 100 million years. In order for such a large num-
               ber of species to have made their appearance over in such a long period
               of time, then they should have left millions of transitional- form fossils.
               Yet not one of these expected transitional forms has ever been encoun-
               tered in the fossil record. Evolutionists merely point to a group of fos-
               sils belonging to the group Therapsida, which are known as
               “mammal-like reptiles” as examples of transitional forms. But as you’ll
               see in the chapter on “False Transitional Forms,” their claims are in-
                   These mammal-like reptiles indicated as having been the ancestors
               of mammals are all extinct. And these creatures too emerge suddenly in
               the fossil record, and disappear just as suddenly.
                   Their being extinct gives evolutionists the opportunity to specu-
               late about them however they wish, as they used to do with the coela-
               canth. But, looking at constructing resemblances between species on
               the basis of only a few bones is not a reliable method. Some evolution-

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