Page 83 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 83


                   On the other hand, the origin of the
               classes of mammals is also
               shrouded in darkness as re-
               gards the theory of evolu-
               tion. As the evolutionist
               zoologist Eric Lombard writes in
               Evolution magazine:
                   Those searching for specific information useful in
                   constructing phylogenies of mammalian taxa will
                   be disappointed. 45
                   As with all other groups, the origin of
               mammals is in not the least compatible with the
               theory of evolution.

                   The True Origin of Marine
                   The True Origin of Marine
                   Just like land-dwelling mammals, whales
               and dolphins give birth, suckle their young,
               breathe through their lungs and are warm-
               blooded. The origin of this group known as sea

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