Page 85 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 85


               lows:  Pakicetus (50
               million years ago) >
               Ambulocetus (49 million years               Pakicetus
               ago) > Rodhocetus (46.5 million years ago) > Procetus (45 million years
               ago) > Kutchicetus (43 to 46 million years ago) > Dorudon (37 million
               years ago) > Basilosaurus (37 million years ago) > and finally, Aetiocetus
               (24 to 26 million years ago).
                   But there are a number of deceptive aspects to this scheme. The
               most fundamental of these—the first two creatures in the plan,
               Pakicetus and Ambulocetus—were both, according to evolutionists,
               “walking whales.” Yet to describe these two land-dwelling mammals
               as whales is an illusory, even comic claim to make.
                   First, consider Pakicetus inachus.
                   Fossils of this extinct mammal first entered the equation in 1983.

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