Page 90 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 90


                    In short, the evolutionists’ scenario—of
                sea mammals evolving from land-dwellers—is
                incorrect. Their remaining claim, of evolution
                amongst sea mammals themselves, also faces a
                terrible dilemma. Via scientific classification,
                they attempt to build a family relationship be-
                tween extinct marine mammals known as
                Archaeoceti and living whales and dolphins.
                    Yet experts on the subject think rather dif-
                ferently. The evolutionist paleontologist
                Barbara J. Stahl writes:
                    The serpentine form of the body and the peculiar
                    serrated cheek teeth make it plain that these ar-
                    chaeocetes could not possibly have been ancestral
                    to any of the modern whales. 51
                    The evolutionist explanation for the ori-
                gin of marine mammals is also in a grave
                predicament presented by findings by molecu-
                lar biology. The classic evolutionist scenario
                hypothesizes that the two main whale
                groups—toothed whales  (Odontoceti)  and
                baleen whales  (Mysticeti)—evolved from
                some common ancestor. Michel C.
                Milinkovitch of the University of
                Brussels has opposed this view,
                emphasizing that this assump-
                tion is based on anatomical
                similarity, but invalidated by
                molecular findings:
                    While the monophyly of cetaceans is widely ac-
                    cepted, the origin of and evolutionary relation-
                    ships among the major groups of cetaceans is

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