Page 100 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 100
knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed,
not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced,
not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed. … I am asking
your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American peo-
ple. … confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free
and independent. 39
This very accurate analysis by Kennedy had horrible consequences for
him. This is a very important example of how the leaders working to expose
the deep state are intimidated. Many leaders were suppressed with similar
methods and bullied into submission. In other words, even the superpower
America cannot protect itself from being a slave of this horrible system.
During the time he held the office, US President John F. Kennedy
frequently complained about the control of the deep state and its sly
games, and didn't refrain from putting his discomfort into words.
However, his accurate analyses received a horrible retaliation and this
American President was publicly assassinated in 1963.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed