Page 104 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 104
When Obama
won the Iowa
Caucuses, the
Communist Party
USA declared his
victory as a 'di-
alectical leap'.
Obama explained during the interview he gave to David Mendel that
when he was younger he used to attend communist conferences and sympa-
thized with them. It is also noteworthy that the main supporters of Obama in
his presidential bid were usually people with communist and Marxists back-
grounds. For instance, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who started and
managed the campaign for Obama's Senate race, were the two most radical
Marxists of the Vietnam war. Alice Palmer, a politician who introduced Oba-
ma to politics and who is also known as his mentor, is the first African-Amer-
ican journalist that was allowed to enter the Soviet Union and attend the 27 th
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed