Page 103 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 103
Adnan Harun Yahya
has implemented in gradual steps. There have been times when this plan for
the US became more evident. First, the anti-communist identity of the US
was emphasized and the country even fought in Korea and Vietnam to live
up to this expectation. This was a part of the deep state's plan, which sought
to cement the idea that the world's imperialist power was definitely against
communism. However, as this took place, the stages designed to lead the US
to communism were also put into practice in a gradual manner. Today, as a
result of this careful strategy, the US is currently closer to communism than
The Socialist Leader of the Anti-Communist USA
Barack Obama served as the US President for two terms. When he was
first elected, his anti-war rhetoric, racial background and Muslim ancestral
roots had won him great support with the anti-war league and religious people.
With his term over, however, it became clear that he failed to keep his promises
such as withdrawing US soldiers from the Middle East, or shutting down the
Guantanamo facility. Indeed, the US Air Force is still present in the Middle
East. What is particularly noteworthy is the socialist-communist tendencies
of Obama, which only recently became clear.
When Obama won a seat in the Senate, the Communist Party USA made
an official statement and said: 'This was a historic victory. It was a victory for
political independence'. When Obama's presidency was declared, the said party
wrote on its website: 'Our Party actively supported Obama during the primary
election.' Indeed, the Communist Party USA leader John Bachtell admitted in
2015 their support in all states for Obama's first presidential bid.
When Obama won the Iowa caucuses in 2004, the newspaper of the Com-
munist Party USA celebrated with the following words:
Obama's victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap
ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle. Marx once compared revolu-
tionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far be-
neath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This
is the old revolutionary 'mole,' not only showing his traces on the surface but
also breaking through. 42