Page 106 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 106
The Club of Rome
By the 1940s, Elizabeth, Queen of England, was ruling over 31 countries.
She owned one sixth of all the lands in the world, which had a total value of
28 trillion US dollars. With the shifting balances in the post-WWII world,
the British deep state was forced to turn to various other organizations. The
Club of Rome was one of them.
Many people surmise that the Club of Rome is an autonomous organiza-
tion because it is based in Rome and is affiliated with the Catholic Church.
The truth is, The Club of Rome is an important part of the Committee of 300
and a branch of the British deep state, only it operates under a different name.
The Club of Rome and Bilderberg Group are the most important foreign
policy institutions of the Committee of 300. 'A single world state' that was
briefly mentioned while examining the goals of The Committee of 300 was
intended to be put into practice by the Club of Rome. The single world state
refers to a world order led solely by the British deep state where all the re-
sources will be at their disposal. According to this plan, there would be a
'single religion' completely different than Abrahamic religions that would
gather people around a fake faith. They planned this pseudo religion because
they knew it was impossible to make people lose their faith in a sweeping
manner. They hoped that this approach would gradually make people stray
away from Divine religions and come to a point where they would readily
obey the British deep state.
The plan for this single world order became more clearly shaped especially
after the 1990s, but its roots go back centuries. From the foundation of the
United States of America to its civil war, all details were carefully planned to
ensure the existence of the said structure. Dr. John Coleman writes that Amer-
icans are the one people that have been fooled the most by the British deep
state throughout world history. He maintains that the current moral degen-
eration in American society is a direct outcome of this influence and says
that for the first time in their history Americans feel the decline vividly. To
Coleman, all this is the direct result of the activities of the Committee of 300
and its affiliation with the Club of Rome, both of whom report to the British
deep state. This is a very accurate conclusion. 43
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed