Page 232 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 232

Dutch historian Reinhart Dozy's
                                                                 book Spanish Islam: A History of
                                                                 the Moslems in Spain, which
                                                                 sought to explain Islam with mate-
                                                                 rialism and included sacrilegious
                                                                 remarks about the Prophet
                                                                 Muhammad (pbuh) and the reli-
                                                                 gion of Islam, was translated into
                                                                 Turkish and made its way into Ot-
                                                                 toman lands and sped up the fall
                                                                 of the Empire.
                                                                 Translated by: Abdullah Cevdet,
                                                                 1908, during Abdul Hamid II's reign

                         A staunch propagandist of Darwinism and atheism through his numer-
                     ous articles and books, Abdullah Cevdet was appointed to the Vienna Em-

                     bassy by Abdul Hamid II. Many people wrongly believe that Abdullah Cevdet
                     was a dissident against the Sultan. The truth was different however, because

                     Abdullah Cevdet was one of the informers working for Abdul Hamid II. Ab-
                     dul Hamid II provided him with the necessary funding so that he could set-

                     tle in Vienna. Strangely enough, he was also one of the people behind the 1908
                     coup that saw the deposition of Abdul Hamid II.

                         Physician Hayrullah Efendi: "İnsanın Satıhı Arzda Sureti İntişarı" (The

                     Spread of Man on the Face of Earth) by Hayrullah Efendi was one of the
                     most popular evolutionist pieces that circulated at schools during the reign

                     of Abdul Hamid II. He claimed that in addition to the account of human his-
                     tory that started with the Prophet Adam (pbuh), the origins of humans had

                     to be explained from an evolutionary perspective.

                         Ziya Gökalp: A protégé of Abdullah Cevdet, Gökalp spread materialist

                     views in Turkish society and played a big role in the moral decline that af-
                     fected a large part of the community.

                         Süleyman Hüsnü Pasha: Commander of the military college and one of

                     the coup plotters that organized the deposing of Sultan Abdülaziz.

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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