Page 376 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 376
missionaries were sent to the region, mostly to Mardin. These efforts angered
the local people and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. British consuls, on the
other hand, offered protection to both these missionaries and the new Protes-
tant converts. Needless to say, this protection wasn't offered out of respect
for their faith, but rather due to strategic concerns regarding the region.
This certainly wasn't the first time that this strategy was applied on Ot-
toman lands. Ahmed Hamdi, the then Tekirdağ district officer, made the fol-
lowing warning about the imminent danger:
The Protestant community in Tekirdağ stated that they were British protégés.
British Consul, in the meantime, continues to meddle in everything, claims
that Protestants are under his country's protection and wishes to have them
under his control. Since his attitude is causing problems and confusion in the
city, it can be said that unless a precaution is taken, the Armenian commu-
nity will come under the British rule after being converted to Protestantism.
Since the desire of the Consul is to make the Armenian community loyal to
himself and since such a development will be harmful to our country in every
way, we are strongly in need of the Prime Ministry's urgent instructions as to
how we should proceed about the issue. Please kindly advise us how to pro-
ceed with regards to the Protestant community. 219 (August 21, 1858, Tekir-
dağ District Officer, Ahmed Hamdi)
The British Deep State's Base for
Armenian Riots: Cyprus
Before the secret Cyprus Treaty of 1878, which supposedly temporarily
transferred Cyprus' rule to the British, 45,000 Muslims and some 100,000
non-Muslims were living on the island. Armenians, Greeks, Jews and a small
number of Nazarenes constituted the non-Muslim population. Some British
people, supposedly missionaries, actively worked on the island to influence
this Christian population. When the British managed to obtain the control
of the island, they opened a school for Armenians to gain favor with them.
This marked the first step towards the British deep state ambition to use
Cyprus as a base for the Armenian issue. So much so, Dashnak and Hunchak
resistance movements –that were behind many riots– were organized in
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed