Page 372 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 372
Armenians are an ancient, civilized people that have existed in the region
since antiquity. Throughout history though, they either lived under the rule
of various other nations, or their own states acted as a buffer zone between
the big empires of the time and were subjected to frequent interventions. The
Armenians will certainly continue to live in Eastern Anatolia, which will al-
ways be their home. However, as the historical data indisputably shows, it
would be incorrect to assert that Eastern Anatolia is an exclusively Armen-
ian region where no other nation's people ever lived.
A d n a n O k ta r S ays
Adnan Oktar: Let's rebuild our brotherhood with the Ar-
menians. Let's open borders with Armenia, let's hug each
other. They were one of us, our brothers in the Ottoman
era. It's still the same; nothing has changed. They are the
'loyal people'. They are good, well-mannered people. [Any-
thing to the contrary] is wrong; is a sin. We won't allow
anyone to drive a wedge between us.
(Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV on
December 18, 2011)
Adnan Oktar: They [the officials of the two countries] have reached an agreement on visas
and then after a while, there won't be any need for passports as well. They're discussing
the final details. But of course, it is important to avoid a language that might embarrass
them [the Armenians]. They are good people that expect compassion and love. They want
the good old times to come back. Armenians are 'the loyal people', 'millet-i sadıka'. We
entrusted our soldiers to Armenian pashas, and gave them key positions in the adminis-
trations. It is important to have a compassionate approach. Comparing bones, counting
bones and skulls, these are very dangerous things. It's good that after we drew attention
to how wrong this was, they stopped this attitude. Thank God, that's a good development.
We should focus only on love. I said that they would retreat from Nagorno-Karabakh and
indeed they are doing it. I also said that 'Insha'Allah they will open the Lachin corridor'
and indeed it is being opened now. It will ensure connection between Turkey and Azer-
baijan. For example, when our President went to Armenia, on that day, they put out the
eternal fire on the memorial. So they are thinking about it, they know and I believe they
will do whatever is necessary. They want only sincere love and compassion. It is crucial
to strictly avoid any harsh, accusatory statements. Personally, when I witness such language,
it embarrasses me. They are a few people, trapped in a small country. Of course, we will
save them from there. By the grace of God, our union of love will incorporate Israel, Chi-
na, Azerbaijan, Turkistan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria among oth-
(Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's press conference on September 17, 2009)
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed