Page 370 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 370

The Speech of Mesrob II Mutafyan of Constantinople, the 84        th
                          Patriarch of Turkey's Armenians

                                   Mesrob II Mutafyan, the 84 Patriarch of Turkey's Armenians ex-
                                             pressed his feelings during a speech given at the recep-
                                                 tion held in Hilton Hotel on May 22, 1999:

                                                     … In 1461, only eight years after Sultan Mehmed

                                                      the Conqueror took Istanbul, he issued an edict
                                                        and established the Istanbul Patriarchy. This
                                                        was a clear indication of Sultan Mehmed II's

                                                        and other Ottoman Sultans' visionary char-
                                                        acters and their embracing attitude towards
                                                        other faiths. Indeed, Sultan Mehmed II was

                                                       the first and last ruler in history to establish a
                                                     spiritual leadership institute for the members of

                                                   another religion… As we enter the new millennium
                                               with all the wars and conflicts going on around the
                                         world, we can better appreciate the importance of this inci-

                          dent that took place 538 years ago and better understand the importance of
                          love and respect for different faiths and cultures.

                          The Writings of Mateos of Edessa [Urfa]
                          Famous Armenian historian from Urfa, Mateos described the Seljuk ap-
                          proach to Armenians: 'Malik-Shah's heart was full of compassion and

                          goodness for the Christians. He treated the children of Jesus very kind-
                          ly. He brought peace, wealth and happiness to the Armenian people.'
                          Mateos also wrote the following after the death of Sultan Kilij Arslan:
                          The death of Kilij Arslan deeply saddened the Christians. This Sultan had

                          a noble character and loved to help. 1
                          These examples clearly show the peaceful atmosphere that Armenians en-
                          joyed for centuries of their harmonious co-existence with Turks.

                          1. Matthew of Edessa, Urfalı Mateos Vekayi-namesi (952-1136), The Chronicle, no.129, p. 146

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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