Page 369 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 369
Adnan Harun Yahya
For centuries,
Armenians and
Turks lived to-
gether in har-
mony and
peace. They
are two frater-
nal peoples of
these lands.
the Armenian population in the newly taken areas was also incorporated in
the Istanbul community and bonded to the Istanbul Patriarch. Throughout
the history of Ottoman rule, Armenians enjoyed great freedoms in religion,
politics, economy and culture.
Armenians, as the trusted, reliable and friendly non-Muslim constituents
of a Muslim country, were known as the 'Loyal People' (Millet-i Sadıka). They
formed a precious and indispensable part of Ottoman society. Just as every
other Ottoman citizen, they enjoyed many rights and liberties in the Ottoman
Empire, practiced their religion freely and without any inhibition engaged in
business and social life. This is the path to which the Qur'an guides us.
Among the people of the Book there are some who believe in God and in
what has been sent down to you and what was sent down to them, and who
are humble before God. They do not sell God's signs for a paltry price. Such
people will have their reward with their Lord. And God is swift at reckon-
ing. (Qur'an, 3:199)