Page 485 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 485
Adnan Harun Yahya
the occupational forces would be punished in the harshest manner. He later
sent a message to Foreign Office, assuring them that the arrests were "very sat-
isfactory" and intimidated the leaders of a potential insurgency in Istanbul. 294
Many officers, who were previously blacklisted during the war, were also
exiled. When the British set foot in Istanbul, they started a manhunt not only
in Istanbul, but all of Turkey. Their first demand was the capture and punish-
ment of nine Turkish commanders: Ali Ihsan Pasha (Commander of the Sixth
Army), Fahrettin Pasha (Commander of V Cavalry Corps), Nuri Pasha (Com-
mander of the Islamic Army of the Caucasus), Mürsel Bey (Commander of the
5 Caucasian Division), Yakub Shevki Pasha (Commander of the Ninth Army),
Nihat Pasha (Chief of Staff of the Second Army in Pozanti), Galip Pasha (Com-
mander of the 40th Yemen division) and Tewfik Pasha (Commander of the Sev-
enth Corps in Yemen). It was clear that these Turkish commanders were specif-
ically selected for their outstanding performance against and/or defeat of the
British as they bravely defended their country. However, the British deep state
failed terribly in its judgment of Turkish patriotism as it believed that target-
ing commanders would work. As the following days would make clear, cap-
turing and exiling 100-150 people of a deeply patriotic nation who had always
lived independently would do nothing to cause them to
falter in their fight for independence.
Tevfik Pasha, commander of the
Seventh Corps in Yemen, was ex-
iled along with other patriot com-
manders, because he refused to
give in to the demands of the
British deep state.
(To the side) A Turkish soldier
cleaning his shoe before going to
the battlefield