Page 486 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 486
Yakub Shevki Pasha, who refused to dissolve the Ninth Army, ignored
the British order to hand over arms and ammunition and instead moved his
food stocks to the West. Naturally, he was on top of the 'to be exiled to Mal-
ta' list of the British. Like him, all the members of the Kars Parliament would
be exiled to Malta. Halil Pasha and Mehmed Djemal Pasha from the Cau-
casian Army, and many Turkish officers like Ali Rifat and Mürsel Bey, who
were division commanders, were blacklisted by the British in the first months
of the Armistice. Meanwhile, the plans to capture, try and exile these com-
manders were underway in the occupation headquarters.
Many pro-British intellectuals and diplomats considered the promises
made prior to the occupation as guarantees. However, after the Armistice,
British Prime Minister Lloyd George claimed that his previous statements
weren't a guarantee for the Turks, but were rather intended to reassure his
own public and particularly the Indian Muslims who didn't want to fight oth-
er Muslims. He hoped that this would justify the occupation.
Following the Armistice of
Mudros, the Allied Navy
anchored in the Bosphorus
on November 13, 1918.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed