Page 491 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 491
Adnan Harun Yahya
self in Turkey. Italy, being frankly and openly imperialistic, declares plainly
that she has entered the war with the sole object of getting a good share of the
Anatolian booty.
The part played by England is rather more complicated.
With an eye to the future, England has no desire that Turkey shall remain
united or become modernised or enjoy real independence. A Turco-
Mohamedan State, powerful and equipped with all modern requirements
and ideas, and particularly with a Caliph at its head, would be an exceed-
ingly bad example to the Mohamedan subjects of England.
If she could get power over Turkey without being interfered with at all, she
would soon decapitate and dismember her without any compunction, and
would try within a few years to convert her into a loyal colony. 295
Clearly, the plans of the British deep state have always been more sinis-
ter and more complicated. Supporting a US mandate was just an act. The true
desire of the British deep state, for a long time, had been a completely disin-
tegrated, weakened, devastated Turkish state.
In order to accurately analyze the plans of the British deep state, it is im-
portant to look a couple steps ahead. We shouldn't forget that although in-
tended for Churchill, the statement "he was 'first, last and all the time a great
Englishman, more interested in preserving England's position in Europe than
in preserving the peace" actually applies to every member of the deep state
because for the British deep state, there are no allies or friends. Everyone in
the plan is a means to get to an end. Their existence serves the deep state plans.
This is true even for the seemingly most powerful leaders of the world as they
have no option other than playing along according to the script they have been
Italians Weren't Spared the Deep Strategies of the
British Deep State, Either
As the WWI raged on, the Allied Powers had secret meetings to agree on
a plan for the partition of the Ottoman Empire. The first secret agreement,
known as the Treaty of London, was signed in 1915. According to this secret