Page 492 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 492
pact between the Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia) and Italy, Italians
were promised Antalya and surrounding Mediterranean regions in exchange
for joining the war on the side of the Allied Powers. Due to the Bolshevik
Revolution, this treaty was replaced by the Agreement of St.-Jean-de-Mau-
rienne of 1917, which was signed by only Italy, France and Britain. Accord-
ing to the new plan, Italians would also be given Western Anatolia includ-
ing Izmir, in addition to the coastline of the Mediterranean.
Once again, the post-war scene wasn't playing out according to the ex-
pectations of the Italians, but was very conveniently going according to the
original plans of the British. Eleftherios Venizelos-Lloyd George cooperation
resulted in the Greek forces' occupation of Izmir on May 15, 1919, and West-
ern Anatolia remained under Greek occupation until September 9, 1922,
when they were forced to retreat by the Turkish army. The British deep state,
taking advantage of the imperialist Greek dreams, built an army in Anatolia
that would do its bidding. This also effectively prevented Italy from having
the sole say in the region. The whole occupation plan was based on the pro-
paganda that local Christian people needed protection from the so-called
Muslim gangs and this sinister plan was thus given international legitimacy.
However, it was clearly established with the following report of the Inter-Al-
lied Commission of Inquiry, based in Istanbul, on October 12, 1919 that
those allegations were complete lies:
An illustration depict-
ing Greek ideals dur-
ing the Greek occupa-
tion of Izmir. The
British deep state
took advantage of the
imperialist ambitions
of the Greeks. It was
too late when the
Greeks realized that
they were deceived.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed