Page 490 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 490

A painting depicting the Treaty of Versailles signed with Germany. According to
                      many historians, the harsh conditions of the treaty played the biggest role in the
                      rise of the German Nazi Party.

                     country trapped inside Anatolia. According to their plan, little Turkey trapped
                     in this piece of land would be placed under US mandate.

                         In other words, the plan of the British deep state for the Paris Peace Con-

                     ference was placing countries they considered incapable of ruling themselves
                     under the mandate of developed countries. The Middle East was distributed

                     according to this plan. Britain presented a proposal to the Conference on
                     May 21, 1919 and suggested that Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine be placed

                     under French and British mandate, and the Ottoman Empire under US man-
                     date. Let's find out about the truth of this plan from the telegram Halide Edip

                     Adıvar sent to Mustafa Kemal Pasha on August 10, 1919:

                         The situation in Constantinople relating to foreign affairs is this:

                         Although France, Italy and England have offered a mandate over Turkey to

                         the American Senate, they are trying by all possible means to prevent them
                         from accepting it.

                         There is no doubt that each of these Powers wants to make certain of their

                         share when the country is divided up.

                         France, having met with disappointments in Syria, wants to compensate her-

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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