Page 494 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 494

The inquiry has proven that the general situation of Christians in the vilayet

                         of Aydin has been satisfactory since the armistice and that they have not been
                         in danger. – Security in the vilayet of Aydin, and in Smyrna [Izmir] in par-

                         ticular, in no way justified the occupation of Smyrna's forts by application of
                         Article 7 of the armistice. Furthermore, the situation in the vilayet did not jus-
                         tify the landing of allied troops in Smyrna. 297

                         Even this report wasn't enough to stop the British deep state plans.

                         The British deep state used Italians when it needed, with the pretense of

                     being a reliable ally and with a couple of promises. But when it no longer
                     needed Italy, it left it alone. Needless to say, Italians themselves had nefari-
                     ous occupation plans regarding the Ottoman lands just like other Allied pow-

                     ers, and in this regard, Italy then was just as guilty as others. The point is, even

                     towards its own allies, the British deep state always follows a self-centered and
                     double-faced policy.

                         Mustafa Kemal, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence and the

                     savior of the Turkish people and Turkey, took advantage of this double-faced
                     policy of the British: After 1920, the Italian government began to provide

                     weapons, logistics and intelligence to the Turkish nationalists.

                         A Claim of Upholding Minority Rights is a Typical British Deep
                         State Method for Justification of Its Occupations

                         According to the Armistice of Mudros signed after the war, the Allied

                     armies should have stayed in their current positions and no occupation would
                     take place unless there was a threat. However, as explained previously, the

                     British nevertheless occupied Istanbul and the Greek landed and took over
                     Izmir. The only so-called justification for these occupations was the false

                     claim that the Christian minorities were in danger. The 7 clause of the
                     Armistice of Mudros gave the Allied Powers the right to occupy strategic lo-

                     cations in case of a security threat. By combining the occupation right grant-
                     ed under the 7 clause with the so-called threats the minorities supposedly
                     faced, the occupation of Anatolia was cunningly made compliant with the in-
                     ternational law.

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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