Page 512 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 512
(Top) British marines
on Galata Bridge
(Bottom) Occupation
forces on Galata
Let us note here that the major intelligence sources of the British during
the occupation had been the Mawlawi houses. Traitors in the Ottoman Em-
pire, who were fans of Rumi and the British culture, used to frequent the said
Mawlawi Houses and gave the message that they could be used as loyal col-
laborators of the British.
The occupation forces that wanted to keep Istanbul under control did-
n't refrain from exerting pressure on civilians as well. In addition to the oc-
cupation fleet anchored in the Bosphorus, a British submarine was stationed
in front of the Galata Tower. The weapons of the fleet were turned towards
the city, ready to fire. The occupation troops would march around the city
with their tanks and squadrons, as a tour de force. Tanks were placed around
strategic points in Taksim Square. Ottoman officers had to salute the soldiers
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed