Page 515 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 515

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            Media Censorship during the British Occupation

                            Turkish Historian and author Atilla Oral explains the days of occupation
                        as follows:

                            The enemy fleet that anchored in Bosphorus Strait had very important du-

                            ties. They didn't stay in Istanbul for five years only to keep up the appearance.
                            It was a part of a sinister and strategically devised plan of intimidation. 302

                            The intimidation tactics were meant to suppress people and to break
                        their spirit. The propaganda targeting the people was considered important,

                        because the British deep state wanted to stop people's support for the na-
                        tionalist movement.

                            As explained previously, the British deep state sought to impair the 'na-

                        tionalist and patriotic values' of the peoples since the beginning. The main
                        reason was because when a society strays away from such values, its down-

                        fall comes very quickly. The British deep state surmised that a movement un-
                        supported by the public would no longer be 'national' and therefore concen-

                        trated on psychological anti-propaganda.

                            For the British deep state, one of the ways to do that was censorship of

                        the media. Therefore, during the occupation, the Turkish press was heavily
                        censored. The newspapers were first examined by the censor officers work-

                        ing for the British deep state before they were published, and any content or
                        picture not found suitable was not allowed to be printed. If the British deep

                        state didn't approve a certain photograph or writing, it would be removed.
                        As a result, many newspapers during that time had to be printed with emp-

                        ty columns. It was a major crime to publish pictures not carrying the remark
                        "Censored by Allied Authorities - The Censor".

                            The entire visual evidence of the crimes committed by the British deep

                        state against humanity was thus almost completely obliterated. For a long
                        time, it wasn't possible to locate any pictures proving that Istanbul was ever

                        occupied, due to the British deep state's systematic move to collect all war pho-
                        tos. When these photos were later retrieved from the British archives, the

                        Turkish people were taken aback. Atilla Oral explains how he got a hold of
                        those pictures:
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