Page 514 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 514

British spies were everywhere in Istanbul. One spy, with the alias RV5,

                     opened a tailor shop in 1921 and managed to be the tailor of the Unionists
                     (usually called 'Young Turks' in the West) and those people close to Mustafa

                     Kemal. He was even able to visit the Turkish Foreign Ministry. He would hand
                     over all the intelligence he gathered to the British. Another spy, with the alias

                     JQ6, was running a coffee shop in Istanbul, which was usually frequented by
                     people close to Mustafa Kemal. His supporters would hold all their meetings

                     in this shop and all the secret information they discussed would be immedi-
                     ately forwarded to the British. In the meantime, Istanbulians had to contin-

                     ue their daily lives under the siege of the British deep state. 301

                          Important Note about Mawlawiyah

                          Rumi is a 13 -century mystic. He wrote Masnavi and although this book contains com-
                          mendable statements regarding faith and Islam, it also contains serious contradictions
                          with Islam and the Qur'an. Masnavi and the Mawlawiyah culture shaped around it, due
                          to parts of Masnavi that are in contradiction with the Islamic faith, in time turned into a
                          lifestyle promoted by certain circles seeking to inflict damage on Islam in a very sinister
                          manner. In fact, this culture has been widely praised and promoted by atheists, anti-Is-
                          lamic circles, homosexuals and Dar-
                          winists. Most particularly, certain peo-
                          ple that wish to spread acts that are
                          banned in the Qur'an, like homosexu-
                          ality, or unbelieving systems, such as
                          Darwinism, amongst Muslims, have al-
                          ways used Mawlawiyah and Rumi's
                          philosophy to achieve their goals. Un-
                          surprisingly, the British deep state has
                          repeatedly used this dangerous culture
                          as leverage against Muslims.
                          It should be borne in mind that the crit-
                          icism here is not directed at Rumi, the
                          author of  Masnavi, considering how
                          Masnavi could have been significantly
                          altered since the 13th century. It is quite possible that the remarks in question were added
                          to Masnavi only later, in an attempt to hurt the Islamic societies. Therefore, our criticism
                          here is directed not at Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi, but the odd Rumi philosophy devel-
                          oped based on the contents of Masnavi.
                          Following chapters will be dealing with Rumi's philosophy to a greater extent.

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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