Page 563 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 563
Adnan Harun Yahya
* War indemnity,
* Public debts,
* The Straits,
* The Dodecanese Islands,
* Ecumenical Patriarchate.
During the Peace Confer-
ence of Lausanne, Great
Britain was represented by the
then Foreign Secretary Lord
Curzon. It is important to note
that Lord Curzon was no dif-
ferent than Lloyd George in
terms of his anti-Turkish sen-
timent. And just like George,
he was one of the architects of
the Treaty of Sévres. Never
hesitating to voice his aversion
to the Turks even during those
İsmet İnönü and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
years, he frequently said that
Turks must definitely be dri-
ven out of Istanbul. What Cur-
zon really had in mind was confining the Turks to a small Asian country
with Konya as the center, taking control of Istanbul, Thrace, and the Aegean
and Mediterranean coastlines and creating Britain-dependent countries like
'Kurdistan and Armenia' in East and Southeast Anatolia. What is particular-
ly interesting is the fact that this horrible scenario advocated by Curzon is still
one of the most basic goals of the British deep state.
This goal explicitly spelled out by Curzon was found risky by some cir-
cles. As a result, the British Cabinet instead suggested that the Turks and the
Caliph remain in Istanbul, but that Istanbul should be further weakened.
However, Curzon wasn't ready to give up on his impossible dreams: