Page 565 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 565

Adnan Harun Yahya

                          Hamou Qado Mosque, the
                             second oldest Ottoman
                          mosque left in Mosul, was
                             destroyed in a terror at-
                                        tack in 2015.

                            As mentioned above, the Mosul question proved to be a highly disputed
                        topic between the Turks and the British during the Lausanne negotiations. It

                        should be remembered that the British deep state had the plan of building a
                        'Kurdish state' in southeast Turkey as part of the Lausanne talks. The estab-

                        lishment of the Turkish-Iraqi border ruined the British deep state plans, but
                        at the same time made Mosul the center of debate. Two countries, which pre-

                        viously had many encounters on battlefields, had to prove their skills on a
                        diplomatic level. The British side, under the auspices of the British deep state,

                        didn't hesitate to resort to many insidious methods.

                            In order to fully understand the details of this diplomacy war over who

                        would win Mosul, let's have a brief look at the history of the region.
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