Page 568 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 568
Mining facility controlled by private funds of Abdul
Hamid II
In 1890, the investigation ordered by Sultan Abdul Hamid II revealed that
Mosul and Baghdad were home to rich oil resources. As a result, the Sultan,
by decrees issued in 1890 and 1898, declared these regions 'Magnificent Lands'
(Memalik-i Şahane) and made them his personal property. 344
However, when the Young Turks dethroned Abdul Hamid II on April
27, 1909, the ownership of Mosul and Baghdad were transferred to the Min-
istry of Finance. This development suited the interests of the British deep state
and influenced their later strategies.
In 1909, Britain signed a deal with the Ottoman Empire and founded a
bank named 'National Bank of Turkey', with 100% British capital, to create
capital for its oil surveys and most importantly, to keep a look-out for British
interests. In 1912, a group led by Sir Ernest Cassel started the 'Turkish Pe-
troleum Company', once again with complete British capital, and to search
for oil in Ottoman lands and run the oil business. At this point, it will be
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed