Page 588 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 588
participated in this election. Kurdish people participated in these elections
despite all the efforts of British with their offers of gold. Kurds share the same
goal as their Turkish brothers. 369
Statements of the other Kurdish MPs that gave speeches at the Parliament
should also be remembered. One notable example is Diyab Ağa, the 70-year-
old Dersim representative, who was also one of the symbolic names of the
Turkish Independence War. He said:
We all know and say that our religion, our religious affairs, origins and an-
cestors are all one. We have no differences or quarrels. Our name, religion,
our God is One.
When the MPs asked Diyab Ağa what he said to the delegation that went
to Lausanne, he responded as follows:
May God help them. May God give the best result. Thank God, the ones that
went there are good people, pious and devout… We are all one. There is no
question of Turkish or Kurdish identity. We are all one; we are brothers (in-
terrupted by applause and 'bravo's). A man might have five, ten sons. One
might be called Hasan, another Ahmed, Mehmed, Hüseyin. But they are all
one. This is how we are. There is no difference between us (chants of 'bravo').
But enemies are plotting to turn us against each other. They are trying to sow
animosity by saying 'you are like that, I'm like this etc.'… We are brothers.
Our religion, culture is one. Some people don't know this. They say a lot of
things, but they do not know. It is not how it is. La ilaha illa Allah Muham-
mad ar-Rasul Allah [God is One and Muhammad is His Messenger]. That is
it. (Deafening applause and bravos). 370
Süleyman Necati (Güneri) Bey, an Erzurum MP who later took the stage,
said the 'majority of the people that voted for him were Kurdish', emphasized
the concept of 'brotherhood of land' and reiterated that Turks and Kurds had
the same history, that they weren't different people, that there weren't racial
minorities in Turkey.
Yusuf Ziya Bey, a Bitlis MP, during another speech, said the following
about minorities based on language and racial differences:
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed