Page 593 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 593
Adnan Harun Yahya
Scenes from Mosul at the
time when it was a topic of
intense debates at Lau-
sanne negotiations
sue was investigated but
no conclusion could be
reached. It is very im-
portant evidence for us
that your name is not
mentioned not only in
the Foreign Office list, but also in the lists that Horne and Austen left to their
successors. So, rest assured. They can never blame you at all for this issue. 379
It appears that Curzon was under immense pressure by the British deep
state and was forced not to compromise on the Mosul issue. Because of this
pressure, Curzon did his best to not give away Mosul at Lausanne, as it was
an important leverage for the British deep state.
Seeing that there was no agreeing with Lord Curzon over Mosul, İsmet
Pasha sent Turkish economist Rüstem Bey and Şeref Bey, the former Minis-