Page 591 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 591
Adnan Harun Yahya
(Left) A Kurdish woman with her child in the
Ottoman Empire
(Bottom) Kurdish, Armenian and Turkish
women in the Ottoman Empire
Two people that lived together for almost a thousand years, that mixed
and built families together, were forcefully torn apart according to a deep plan
amidst the background of war. The architect of the plan was the British deep
state, the perpetrator of all separations and divisions. For the sake of its in-
terests, it accepted dividing a nation, and indeed as following pages will study
further on, threatened and slaughtered them in a bid to make them indebt-
ed to itself. The British deep state has been the architect of divisive policies
throughout history. No one could stand up to them and this mafia structure
was never held to account for its activities. That's why this horrible policy con-
tinues today. Today, the plots around Southeastern Anatolia are the same as
those concocted for Mosul in the early 20 century. The British deep state
has been behind each and every one of them.
The strategy that the British deep state pursued in Lausanne to drive a
wedge between the Turks and Kurds must be well studied, because the games
of those days are once again being played in Southeastern Anatolia through
the PKK.