Page 10 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 10
ne of the most important factors for the con-
tinued existence of any country is its defence
capability. As a nation, it must be in a constant state of
preparedness to face all kinds of threats and dangers
from external and internal sources. No matter how
well developed and advanced a country may be, if it fails
to defend itself, it could be brought to ruin with the
launching of even a minor military offensive against it, or
even a well-directed and unanticipated terrorist act. In
the face of such threats, neither its natural resources,
its technological prowess, not its economy will be of
any avail. If the country in question is unable to defend
itself, it may even cease to exist.
This is one of the reasons why significant amounts
of the national income is regularly allocated to defence;
nowadays, armed forces have to be provided with the
most advanced weaponry, tools and equipment fitted
with the latest technological features, and meticulous
training has to be given to soldiers in an all-out attempt
to keep defence systems fully functional.
No less than countries, people too have to be con-