Page 13 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 13

Preface                   11

          these microorganisms include such intricate operations
          that the human mind can barely grasp the details of this
          well established system. There is obviously a secret wis-
          dom hidden in the immune system which eludes man's
            As you read this book, you will witness the superi-
          ority of this wisdom, hidden both in your cells and in
          other details pertaining to your body. The ultimate con-
          clusion is that this could only be the wisdom of a su-
          preme "Creator".
            Science may one day succeed in solving all the se-
          crets of the immune system and even produce a similar
          artificial system by imitating the actions of these cells.
          No doubt, this task will require highly educated profes-
          sionals using the most sophisticated technology and in-
          struments available, working in highly advanced
          laboratories. The most important point here is that the
          accomplishment of such a task would once again invali-
          date the theory of evolution, proving that such a system
          cannot originate by coincidence.
            The likelihood of the spontaneous development of a
          mechanism such as the defence system currently seems
          too remote. As scientists unravel the secrets of this sys-
          tem, they are enthralled by the design they encounter.
          The points that are revealed lead to many other ques-
          tions, which make the wisdom and consciousness in the
          cell all the more apparent. Therefore, it has become
          very clear that the defence system, like all the other sys-
          tems in the body, could not have developed gradually,
          just by chance, as suggested by the theory of evolution.
            The main purpose of this book is to introduce you
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