Page 12 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 12
which these cells display during the war they wage in
the body, astonish everyone who learns about them.
People in general would like to know what makes
them ill, how illnesses take complete control of their
bodies, what causes fever, fatigue, pain in their bones
and joints, and which processes take place in their bod-
ies throughout their illnesses.
The main purpose of this book is to explore how
this system, which protects the human body just like a
disciplined, organised army, has come into being and
how it works.
These two points will lead us to very important
conclusions. First, we shall together witness the unique-
ness and the perfection in Allah's creation. Second, we
shall observe what contradictions the theory of evolu-
tion, a superstitious belief having no verification what-
soever, includes within its own reasoning, and on what
an unsound basis it was erected.
Before proceeding to the main topic, it will be useful
to state another important point: In books on the im-
mune system, you will often see statements such as:
"We do not yet know how this formed…"
"The reason still remains unknown…"
"Research on the topic is under way …"
"According to a theory…"
These statements are actually important confes-
sions. These are expressions of the helplessness people
experience at the outset of the 21st century — even
with all the latest technology and accumulated knowl-
edge at their disposal — in the face of the miraculous
work these tiny cells accomplish. The tasks achieved by