Page 19 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 19

The Defence System            17

          second. This action continues even when we are asleep.
            This intense activity occurs in periods of time which
          from our viewpoint are very short. There is a significant
          difference between the notion of time in our daily lives
          and the biological time of our body. The span of one
          second that represents a very short time period in our
          daily life would pass for a very long time for many work-
          ing systems and organs in our bodies. If all the activities
          performed by all the organs, tissues and cells of our
          body in one second were written down, the result
          would be so inconceivable as to push the limits of the
          human mind.
            One vital system, which is involved in constant ac-
          tivity, never shirking its duty, is the defence system. This
          system protects the body from all kinds of invaders day
          and night and works with great assiduity, just like a fully-
          equipped army for the host body, which it serves.
            Each system, organ, or group of cells within the
          body represents a whole within a perfect labour distri-
          bution. Any defect in the system ruins the order. And
          the defence system is indispensable.
            Would we be able to survive in the absence of the
          defence system? Or what sort of life would we have if
          this system failed to fulfill some of its functions?
            It is not hard to make a guess. Some examples in the
          world of medicine make clear how vital the immune
          system is. The story of a patient cited in many related
          sources shows how difficult life would be in case of any
          defect in the defence system.
            This patient was placed immediately after his birth
          in a sterile plastic tent, which nothing was allowed to
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