Page 23 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 23

The Defence System            21

          other, despite being given antibiotics and other medical
          treatments. Before long, medical treatment would lose
          its effect, resulting in the death of the boy.
            At best, he would be able to live only for a few
          months or a few years out of this safe environment. So
          the boy's entire world was forever bounded by the
          walls of his plastic tent.
            After sometime, the doctors and his family placed
          the boy in a completely germfree room which had been
          specially prepared in his house. However, all these ef-
          forts were useless. In his early teens, when a bone
          transplant failed.  1
            The boy's family, doctors, the staff of the hospital
          where he had earlier stayed, and pharmaceutical com-
          panies did their best to keep him alive. Although abso-
          lutely everything was tried, and the boy's place of
          residence was continuously disinfected, his death could
          not be prevented.
            This end clearly shows that it is impossible for a hu-
          man being to survive without a defence system to pro-
          tect him from microbes. This is evidence that the
          immune system must have existed complete and intact
          since the advent of the first man. Therefore, it is out of
          question that such a system could have developed grad-
          ually over a long lapse of time as the theory of evolution
          claims. A human being without a defence system, or
          with a malfunctioning one, would shortly die as seen in
          this example.
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