Page 24 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 24
t is a fact that even though we try to live in clean
environments, we share these places with many
micro-organisms. If you had the chance to view the
room you are currently sitting in with a microscope,
you would immediately see the millions of organisms
you live with.
In this situation, the individual resembles a "besieged
castle". Needless to say, such a castle, which is sur-
rounded by countless enemies, must be protected in a
very complete and organised manner. Human beings
are created along with this perfect protection they
need, and are not, therefore, entirely defenceless
against these enemies. The "micro" guards in our bodies
never leave us alone and fight for us on many fronts.
Masses of influenza bacteria Bacteria on a recently
on the nasal epithelium. brushed tooth.