Page 23 - The Day of Judgment
P. 23
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 21
to learn the reason for this, to escape and save themselves, or to
strive for a solution. Everyone will realize that Allah and the
Hereafter exist.
The Day Begins When the Trumpet Is Blown
The Trumpet will be blown. That is the Day of the Threat.
(Surah Qaf, 20)
The sounding of the trumpet proclaims that the Day of
Judgment, promised by Allah, has finally come, that this world has
ended, and that the Hereafter has begun. Everyone has been
informed of this great Day and what it holds, and has been warned
that they would be brought to account. Now, they are face to face
with this promised reality. This unexpected sound, which is unlike
anything ever heard before, will cause people to realize that their
time is up, for it indicates the beginning of infinite fear, terror, and
hopelessness for the unbelievers—a very hard Day for them indeed.
Allah reveals the following in the Qur'an:
For when the Trumpet is blown, that Day will be a difficult
day, not easy for the unbelievers. (Surat al-Muddaththir, 8-10)
Those who are fooled by the world order's temporary attractions
and attach themselves tightly to such things are blind to the reality
of Allah's existence and unity. They are supposedly happy and
content with this illusion, and live without any consideration for
Allah, the Creator of all or for his creation and its progress toward
its end. In reality, since Allah created this order, He will cause this
spectacular system to cease to be, by giving a single command, in a