Page 24 - The Day of Judgment
P. 24
mind-blowing fashion. Those who do not think that they will meet
such a day will awake from their slumber immediately when the
trumpet sounds. However, their new state will provide no benefit to
them, for by this time it will be far too late to do anything for Allah
and the Hereafter.
But why is it too late? Allah informs us that the reason behind
this is that such people wasted their lives and ignored the trial and
also the reality of the Hereafter with a grave ignorance. Such an
attitude engenders a severe punishment, for its source is the
individual's satisfaction with this limited world and ignoring the
possibility of a past and future. People holding this attitude crave
this life's temporary pleasures and disregard creation's purpose,
and so spend their lives without wondering why they live, why they
were created, what the Creator expects of them, and why they will
die. They know about death, but are also aware that its reality raises
questions that beg for answers. Therefore, they turn away and try to
distance themselves from these thoughts as much as possible. In
reality, however, the sole purpose for each person's creation and
short life on Earth is to serve Allah. People who are aware of death's
proximity, the shortness of this life, and that whatever happens to
them is part of their trial, are also aware that they will meet with
what Allah reveals to them in the Qur'an. Therefore, they
understand that their sole purpose for being alive is to live for Allah.
Realizing this while alive is a great benefit, for it causes people to
distance themselves from the deceptive world and turn to their real
home: the Hereafter.
The greatest desire of those who chase after pleasure and lust is
that this order will go on forever. But even that sometimes does not
make them content, for life always contains problems and