Page 27 - The Day of Judgment
P. 27

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                  25

               Earth Will Be Shaken by Quakes

               When Earth is convulsed with its quaking, and Earth then
               disgorges its charges, and man asks: "What is wrong with it?"
               on that Day it will impart all of its news, because your Lord has
               inspired it. (Surat az-Zilzal, 1-5)
               On the Day of Judgment, an ear-shattering sound will follow the
             sounding of the trumpet, and an unequalled tremor will rock Earth.
             Massive mountains, trees, skyscrapers, buildings—in fact every
             place on Earth—will begin to rock at the same time. People will
             panic and be gripped by great fear. The most fear-inspiring aspect is
             that no one can escape it or find any sort of refuge, for this tremor is
             not like the ones with which we are familiar; rather, this tremor will
             continue until Earth has been flattened. (Allah knows the truth)
             Allah describes these tremors, as follows:
               On the Day the first blast shudders, and the second blast
               follows it, hearts that Day will be pounding and eyes will be
               cast down. (Surat an-Nazi'at, 6-9)

               Try to imagine how much the tremors known to us affect those
             who experience them. These tremors lasted only for seconds, but the
             results were nevertheless devastating. Hundred of thousands died
             in or under collapsed buildings, and survivors were left destitute.
             Homes, property, earnings, and savings were destroyed in no time.
             These calamities were seen by everyone and, in those seconds, no
             person or force could resist them. The tremors of the Day of
             Judgment will have no equals in terms of severity, consequence, and
             the size of area affected. When they are over, there will be no ruins
             or life left on this planet.
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