Page 30 - The Day of Judgment
P. 30

28                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

               Allah says in the Qur'an that "Earth will disgorge its charges,"
             indicating that, in addition to the many other things underground,
             the magma will spill over. The rocking tremors that are cracking the
             planet's crust on a global level, will prepare the ground for such a
             disaster. On the Day of Judgment, devastating earthquakes will turn
             Earth upside down, and people trying to escape the debris falling on
             them will get caught in the lava spilling out of Earth's cracked
             surface. Once again, they will realize that there is no escape from
             death. Disaster will follow disaster, and people will get caught in
             one or the other. (Allah knows the truth.)
               Earth bows to Allah's will, for:
               When Earth is flattened out and disgorges what is inside it and
               empties out, hearkening to its Lord, as it is bound to do! (Surat
               al-Inshiqaq, 3-5)
               The Final Day has arrived, humanity's time is up, and everything
             has ended. No living thing can escape this day, for when it finally
             ends, there will be nothing left: no seed, plant, microorganism—not
             even Earth itself.
               Magma is not the only load that will be emptied out on that Day.
             Magma conducts heat and chemical reactions to the outer layer (the
             mantle) and between the mantle and the crust. Therefore, it
             probably will carry intense heat and many other subterranean
             substances to the surface, thereby increasing the surface
             temperature to previously unknown levels. Such events will cause
             Earth to spew forth all of its contents: minerals, coal, crude oil,
             fossils, corpses, ruins, and so on. Earth will be turned upside down,
               When the graves are emptied out, each self will know what it
               has sent ahead and left behind. (Surat al-Infitar, 4-5)
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