Page 29 - The Day of Judgment
P. 29
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 27
After fear, the next most-felt emotion on that Day will be
incapacity. Humanity, who took precautions against every possible
calamity and deadly disaster (e.g., severe earthquakes, fierce
hurricanes, and even nuclear war), will be unable to hide from or
survive this event. His devilish intelligence which caused him to see
denial supposedly reasonable and which he assumed to be
indispensible and people whom he believed to have power, will not
be able to come up with a solution for this tremor and there will be
no way out for them.
Earth Disgorges Its Charges
And Earth then disgorges its charges, and man asks: "What is
wrong with it?" on that Day it will impart all of its news,
because your Lord has inspired it. (Surat az-Zilzal, 2-5)
Earth's core, beginning at a depth of 5,000-6,000 kms (3,000-3,700
miles) from the surface, consists of highly pressurized magma that
has an estimated temperature of 4,500 C (9,000 F). The lava flows
from volcanic eruptions come from areas close to the core.
Throughout history, volcanic eruptions have caused terror, brought
death to many people, and, in some cases, buried whole cities. Lava
emerges from cracks in Earth's crust and, the higher the pressure,
the higher it spurts into the sky. The main factor in this process is the
presence of various gases that separate from the liquid substance on
the way to the surface, for they form a layer above the magma and
increase the pressure. The higher the proportion of gases, the
greater the force of the resulting explosions. The boiling lava turns
the area's surface into a quasi Hell. Such localized eruptions affect
only a limited area. Researchers can anticipate such calamities and
ensure that the necessary precautions are taken.