Page 31 - The Day of Judgment
P. 31

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                  29

               Ground water will emerge from the cracks and, due to its highly
             pressurized nature, will cause damage in the vicinity and flood the
             entire planet.
               Volcanic eruptions will send pollutants into the higher
             atmosphere. History shows us that following such eruptions, dust
             and ash rain down on the affected area and sometimes even bury it.
             Allah says that "the mountains become scattered dust in the air"
             (Surat al-Waqi'a, 6). Based on this, it is highly probable that such
             explosions and eruptions will happen everywhere on Earth on the
             Day of Judgment.
               People will be met by a devastating punishment. The dust and
             smoke clouds blanketing every place, as well as the gases spreading
             out all at once, will suffocate people and cause great suffering. All of
             these events will make the unbelievers realize the scale of the eternal
             suffering awaiting them in Hell. Allah ends the life of this world
             with such a shocking spectacle, and for the unbelievers He has
             prepared an unspeakable spiritual and physical suffering. In the
             face of such overpowering events, a devastating fear of death will
             cover the planet, and nothing but fear and remorse will be left.

               THE MOUNTAINS

               Mountains Will Be Uprooted and Scattered as Dust
               When the mountains are pulverized. (Surat al-Mursalat, 10)

               As we know, mountains act as quasi shock absorbers. In the
             Qur'an Allah says:
               He cast firmly embedded mountains on Earth so it would not
               move under you, and rivers and pathways so that hopefully
               you would be guided. (Surat an-Nahl, 15)
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