Page 88 - The Day of Judgment
P. 88



                          n the Day of Judgment, everyone will see reality
                          clearly. The unbelievers will be face to face with the
              O reality of the Hereafter in which they never
              believed, refrained from pondering, and rejected. They will see
              the consequences of their error and will desperately seek a way
              out; however, they will not find one. They will have met a
              disastrous end and will be full of remorse. The Qur'an relates
              their psychology in great detail.
                 Confronted by the Day of Judgment, whether they like it or
              not, they will witness the unique events after the trumpet is
              sounded: the devastation of Earth and the heavens, and the
              destruction of the universe and all of its contents. After this is
              accomplished, Allah will recreate the heavens, the world, and
              humanity anew. Allah, Who created the heavens, Earth, and all
              the worlds, certainly has the power to create the likes of them,

                 Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and
                 Earth, has the power to create the like of them, and has
                 appointed fixed terms for them of which there is no doubt?
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