Page 92 - The Day of Judgment
P. 92

90                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

               then when We send down water on it, it quivers and swells. He
               Who gives it life is He Who gives life to the dead. Certainly He
               has power over all things. (Surah Fussilat, 39)
               Even humanity's creation is in itself an important proof of the

             resurrection. Each person was made into a complete being from a
             single sperm cell and an egg. The fact that, over time, a single cell
             becomes a thinking, seeing, and reasoning being without any
             human interference is a clear indication of creation. Allah created
             humanity from nothing and so, of course, can easily reassemble
             each person's withered bones to re-create him or her. People who
             disregard this creation are ignoring their own existence and reason,
             and reject their resurrection with a devilish boldness. This is an act
             of atrocious impudence, for such people are taking a stance against
             Allah and will be confronted by this reality in the Hereafter.
             Following the Day of Judgment, of which people will be made
             aware of by the trumpet's first sounding, the second sounding will
             inform them that the resurrection has arrived. Emerging from their
             graves, they will stand waiting at the beginning of their everlasting
             lives, as Allah reveals:
               The Trumpet will be blown, and those in the heavens and
               those in the earth will all lose consciousness, except those

               Allah wills. Then it will be blown a second time, and at once
               they will be standing upright, looking on. (Surat az-Zumar, 68)


               Allah will bring about the Day of Judgment with the same ease
             as He created Earth, the heavens, and humanity. Such an event is
             affirmed with such words as "beyond doubt" and "certain." These
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