Page 55 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 55


                  see? Am I not better than this man who is contemptible
                  and can scarcely make anything clear? Why have gold
                  bracelets not been put upon his arms and why is there
                  not a train of angels accompanying him?" (Surat az-
                  Zukhruf: 51-53)

                  The issues Allah draws our attention in the verses above
              are as follows:
                  1. According to Pharaoh, the measure of one' s superiority
              was not fear of Allah, but possessions and wealth. Nobility
              was also considered important.
                  2. Failing to grasp that the decision rested with Allah
              alone, Musa' s stature as Allah' s messenger was hurtful to his
                  3. He despised Musa (as), found him contemptible, and
              mentioned his manner of speaking as a mark of inferiority.
              Focusing on people' s imperfections is evidently the
              behaviour of an arrogant person.
                  4. Pharaoh thought the messenger should have been
              accompanied by angels, or possessed wealth and power,
              since, in his opinion, these were the symbols of authority.

                  Pharaoh Tried to Exalt Himself

                  Before Musa (as):

                  A conversation between Musa (as) and Pharaoh is quoted
              in the Qur' an as follows:
                  Go to Pharaoh and say, "We are the Messenger of the
                  Lord of all the worlds to tell you to send the tribe of
                  Israel away with us." He (Pharaoh) said, "Did we not
                  bring you up among us as a child and did you not spend
                  many years of your life among us? Yet you did the deed
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