Page 59 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 59
communicated through the Prophet Musa, Pharaoh asked
him to bring about a miracle. Pharaoh, who trusted in the
skills of his magicians, wanted Musa (as) to confront his
magicians, since he was certain of his ultimate victory. In his
opinion, a successful confrontation would secure his
authority. However, the magicians' performance was mere
sorcery, which the miracle performed by the Prophet Musa
rendered void. Thus, Pharaoh was defeated. Yet, instead of
acquiescing and accepting to be rightly guided, he became
still more arrogant.
Witnessing the miracle performed by Musa (as), the
magicians embraced faith and came to believe in the Lord of
Musa (as). Nevertheless, their choice had no impact
whatsoever on the hardened heart of Pharaoh. Rather, he
decided instead to use force:
The magicians threw themselves down in prostration.
They said, "We believe in the Lord of all the worlds, the
Lord of Musa and Harun." Pharaoh said, "Have you
believed in him before I authorised you to do so? This
is just some plot you have concocted in the city to drive
its people from it. I will cut off your alternate hands and
feet and then I will crucify every one of you." (Surat al-
A' raf: 120-124)
Drawing a Lesson from the End
Met by Pharaoh
Pharaoh was one of the most arrogant people in history.
He followed in the footsteps of Satan, and was repaid for
what he did with unprecedented humiliation. So abject was
this humiliation that, he not only lost his dignity in the eyes