Page 62 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 62

                                  THE ARROGANCE OF SATAN

              the Day of Judgment, those who followed in the footsteps of
              Pharaoh will be brought with their leaders before their Lord
              to give an account of the deeds they performed in this world.
              Indeed, that which Pharaoh and his followers will meet on
              the Day of Judgment is related in the Qur' an as follows:

                  We sent Musa with Our Signs and clear authority to
                  Pharaoh and his ruling circle. They followed Pharaoh' s
                  command but Pharaoh' s command was not rightly
                  guided. He will go ahead of his people on the Day of
                  Rising and lead them down into the Fire. What an evil
                  watering-hole to be led to! They are pursued by a curse
                  in the world and on the Day of Rising. What an evil gift
                  to be given! (Surah Hud: 96-99)
                  As said earlier, it would be wrong to assume that these
              qualities are peculiar to Pharaoh. All must fear succumbing

              to such a disposition, and be wary of a similar end. Those
              with such a disposition must remember the end of Pharaoh,
              and ardently avoid a similar punishment.
                  There is another point here that deserves mention; not
              only the Pharaonic arrogance but all forms of arrogance, are
              evil. Because arrogance obstructs one' s wisdom, his pride
              can achieve dangerous proportions without him noticing it.
              Before all else, as many verses of the Qur' an make clear,
              arrogance is a quality with which Allah is displeased. This is
              why believers should endeavour to eschew arrogance with
              all their effort, and never allow their lower-selves to lead
              them to boast. We must keep in mind that even the smallest
              lapse permitted to one' s lower-self may ultimately cause a
              great loss. A person may, without recognising it, become
              carried away, believing in the superiority of his opinions and
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