Page 61 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 61


              magicians' conversion to Musa' s religion did not make him
              reflect upon the extraordinary situation he had confronted.
              All that he could think about was that the magicians had
              embraced the faith without him authorizing them to do so.
              Pharaoh' s ability to judge was severely obscured by his
              pride. This is why he insisted on denial, until death came
              upon him.
                  The condition that led Pharaoh to disbelief holds true for

              every disbeliever. The reason of their denial is their
              overbearing pride. In the Qur' an, Allah describes these
              people as follows:
                  When Our Signs came to them in all their clarity, they
                  said, "This is downright magic," and they repudiated
                  them wrongly and haughtily, in spite of their own
                  certainty about them. See the final fate of the
                  corrupters. (Surat an-Naml: 13-14)

                  Pharaoh Will Lead His People
                  on the Day of Judgment

                  Pharaoh lost his wealth and all the blessings he enjoyed
              in this world. Moreover, he was convicted to torment in the
              life of the hereafter. He lost the gardens, rivers, beautiful
              estates, crops, in brief, every thing for which he boasted. As
              the Pharaoh' s case exemplifies, no matter how wealthy or
              powerful a person may be,  Allah may take away his
              possessions in an instant.
                  For one of such insolence and arrogance, the torment of
              Hell will be terrible. As well, those who follow leaders with
              a Pharaonic character, and do not keep their mind occupied
              with the remembrance of our Lord, will also be punished. On
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