Page 60 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 60
of his own people, but became a lesson to all men of all ages.
The lesson from the end met by Pharaoh is related in the Qur'
an as follows:
We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea and
Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny
and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of
drowning, he (Pharaoh) said, "I believe that there is no
god but Him in whom the tribe of Israel believe. I am
one of the Muslims." What, now! When previously you
rebelled and were one of the corrupters? Today we will
preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who
come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our
Signs. (Surah Yunus: 90-92)
At the moment of his death, Pharaoh repented, yet, his
repentance was of no avail. He persisted in arrogance and
denial although he was confronted with the facts and witnessed
great miracles. It was his conceit and feelings of superiority that
created such a disposition in him and he felt regret only at the
moment of his death, though it did not save him.
Here, a point deserves special mention. Arrogance was the
major reason behind Pharaoh' s denial. He insisted on denial,
not because he failed to see or grasp the signs of faith, but
because it hurt his sense of pride. His magicians'
acknowledgment of Musa' s forthrightness and their
embracing the faith had been a great sign for him. The miracles
performed by Musa (as) too were sure signs. Anyone
witnessing such miracles would normally come to believe in
However, Pharaoh was devoid of a sound judgement,
since his overbearing pride obscured his wisdom. The